Tips & Recommendations for April
As we start off a new month, founder Doug Peterson is sharing 3 tips for staying connected and feeling confident in April. He also had picked two of his favorite books as recommendations for those who are looking for extra resources this month.
1. Gain Financial Confidence
The more you know and can predict, the more confidence you will have. Figuring out how much it takes to live is the first step to gaining that confidence. What are the bills you need to pay? Start there, then determine what are luxuries and what are necessities? This will help you know the real numbers and give you the ability to be intentional with your finances.
2. Find the Positives
It can be hard to navigate through this challenging time with all of the negativity currently. Choosing to find the positive, the good, will change your mindset and alleviate stress. Being mindful with our thoughts and taking time to write down the things we are grateful for can turn our mood around and bring the positive things into focus. This makes our quality of life higher and more enjoyable. Doug keeps a journal and writes down 3 things he is grateful for along with 3 things that will make his day great, this sets your day up on a positive note, and is a great reminder throughout the day.
3. Connect with People
When we are stressed, we tend to isolate ourselves. Connecting with people who lift you up, and love you will remind you that you are not alone. Utilize the technology around you. Many people are missing their friends and family, although traveling to see them may not be an option, you can still have family dinners, bible studies, book clubs, and happy hour via video chat. Below we have linked some of the sites you can use to connect with the people you love.
Decade by Decade by Bobb Biehl
This series gives you a Decade by Decade understanding of what is “normal” for each decade of life, based on observing over 5,000 people during the last 40 years. This understanding helps bring perspective to what you are experiencing at this point in your life. It also brings perspective to what your family, friends, and team members are experiencing in this phase of their lives! This perspective helps each of us understand who we are as individuals and helps us relax with what we are experiencing today!
The Precious Present by Spencer Johnson
Discover the precious present and find yourself! A simple story, engagingly told, The Precious Present does more than capture the heart; it is a valuable gift for anyone seeking a deeper level of fulfillment and personal happiness. Telling a story of vital significance in today’s fast-paced, competitive environment, The Precious Present will help you discover the joy in life we all seek–whether we go to Wall Street or around the world to find it.