Tips & Recommendations for June

When we are intentional about where we focus our time, energy, attention, and resources, we are able to add more good to the world and our community.
1. Use This Opportunity To Educate Yourself
As Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Use this time to learn new, healthy habits. Learn how to make positive changes in your life and community. You can unlearn things that don’t serve you or the people around you.
2. Take Action On Things You Care About
What better time than now to take action?! Research organizations/causes that have meaning to you, and where you can effect change. Be intentional with your efforts. If you can’t donate, volunteer. If you can’t volunteer, share posts and articles. If you can’t share, start conversations. There is always a way to take action.
3. Powerfully Decline
Powerfully declining is to acknowledge and honor the requester while respectfully declining if it doesn’t suit your aims. It’s very easy to get distracted from the things that are important to us. By powerfully declining things that don’t serve us, and setting intentional time for the things that do, you will increase your capacity to make more of an impact.

A Knight Without A Castle by Robert Katende
This powerful story is presented in two parts. First from Robert’s perspective – war refugee turned missionary living the improbable dream to empower kids in Ugandan slums through chess – a game so foreign there is no word for it in their native language. And then by debut author Nathan Kiwere-presenting heartfelt testimonies from Katende’s students. You’ll ride along the deep valleys and the high mountaintops of Robert’s childhood as he beats impossibilities that would have likely crushed anyone else!
Robert’s life illuminates a situation many will find difficult to imagine. However, his life will inspire you to achieve great things against insurmountable obstacles.