Reduce Financial Stress

For many Americans, financial concerns are ever present, especially given the uncertainties of today’s economy. While worrying doesn’t solve much, having a plan to manage financial challenges can help ease some of the stress. Plus, the monetary benefits of dealing with financial problems—paying off bills, saving more and reducing debt—can help improve your overall outlook. Here are some suggestions for tackling your money stress and taking control of your finances. Identify top sources of financial…

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Can you help me form a strategy to paying off my debt?

Yes, we can! We bring years of knowledge and expertise to debt reduction with lots of great options customized for each situation. — Are you swimming in debt and don’t know how you’re ever going to pay it off? You’re not alone. If you’re looking for easy ways to cut down your debt, including intuitive tweaks to your debt payoff strategies and habits, follow the advice of these experts. Before you start repaying debt, take…

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Get Priorities Straight helps you establish financial integrity

What exactly does GPS do? Get Priorities Straight helps you establish financial integrity, develop innovative personal spending and savings habits to gain financial peace of mind. GPS was founded out of a passion for positively influencing individuals, couples, and business owners’ lives by helping them transform their relationship with their personal finances. Our comprehensive processes and tools give you clarity and insight into your financial situation so your funds support the priorities and values that drive you.…

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Does my significant other need to be involved in the financial planning program?

Ideally, yes. However, if only one of you does most of the heavy lifting when it comes to managing your finances, we can work solely with that person. We say that ideally, we’d want both parties involved because one of the biggest benefits to our programs is getting on the same page as your partner when it comes to managing spending. That may look like your partner attending only some of the program meetings, but…

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How does GPS differ from a Financial Planner/Advisor?

We will help align your spending with your goals in a way that allows you to know where your money goes before you spend it. This reduces stress and can free up finances for all those goals and dreams you are funding with your financial advisor. We do not sell financial products, we work solely on personal spending. We help you get clear on where your money is going so you can put it into…

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What is a Cash Flow Strategist?

A cash flow strategist is someone who comes alongside you to help you get your finances and spending in alignment with your goals. A financial coach doesn’t tell you what your goals should be but instead helps you define your goals, create a plan to reach them while keeping you accountable along the way. — Strategies for managing cash flow include invoicing customers in a timely fashion, offloading inventory that doesn’t sell well and closely monitoring…

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